CGI Animation Campaign for 111Skin's Y-Theorem Repair Serum

As a renowned studio in product videography and tabletop film production, Lux’s video department recently undertook an exciting CGI animation project for prestigious skincare brand 111SKIN’s Y-Theorem Repair Serum. This project not only demonstrates our exceptional ability to work with and illuminate products to the highest level but also showcases our expertise in transferring this knowledge and skill into the realm of CGI and 3D motion design. Produced completely in-house. done by our talented CGI specialist, Guy Welch, Lux flawlessly captured the serum's intricate details and transformative qualities, utilising masterful lighting, camera moves, and animation techniques.

Translating over 25 Years of Experience into CGI Excellence

With over 25 years of experience in lighting, composing and photographing products, our team of experts seamlessly adapted their expertise to the CGI environment. Our wealth of experience in shooting products to perfection proved invaluable in creating a truly exceptional visual experience. This campaign for the Y-Theorem Repair Serum stands as a testament to Lux's ability to capturing products to perfection in not only real-life, but also in 3D environments.

Lux takes pride in our fully in-house End-to-End production capabilities, enabling us deliver outstanding visuals at competitive price-points. For the Y-Theorem Repair Serum campaign, our highly skilled CGI specialist, Guy Welch, meticulously crafted all the 3D models and animation motion design. From the intricate details of the droplets to the precisely lit bottles, every element of the film was carefully crafted to highlight the serum's transformative qualities. The result is a visually stunning film that beautifully captures the innovative technology behind the serum, immersing viewers in its enchanting world.

Masterful Lighting, Camera Moves, and Animation

One of the highlights of this project was the masterful design of lighting, camera moves, and animation. Guy's expertise and creativity shone through in every frame, creating dynamic sequences that truly highlight the product's transformative qualities. By meticulously crafting the lighting setup, Guy ensured that each detail of the serum was beautifully illuminated, enhancing its appeal and allure. The carefully choreographed camera movements added a sense of fluidity and elegance, further enhancing the visual impact of the film. With skilful animation techniques, the film brought the Y-Theorem Repair Serum to life, beautifully captured the innovative technology behind the serum, immersing viewers in its enchanting world.

The CGI Animation Process

1.Modelling the product

In the realm of creating CGI animation films, modelling the product is the vital first step. Our experienced team excels at building intricate 3D objects, whether from scratch using advanced CGI software or by transforming 2D illustrations into 3D. With attention to detail and precision, we ensure that every product is meticulously crafted.

2.Adding Textures

To bring 3D objects into life, the next step is adding textures to the products that make them appear realistic. By adding materials to the models, we create depth and visual richness. Whether it's wood, stone, cotton, or liquids, we have access to high-quality textures from renowned libraries like Poliigon. These textures enhance the authenticity of the products in the films, transforming ordinary objects into photorealistic representations.


Achieving a truly photorealistic look also requires expertise in lighting. Lux’s team of experts have over 25 years of experiences lighting numerous products, we understands the pivotal role that lighting plays in product advertising content.

The softwares used in CGI production use similar lighting techniques as in film production, our CGI specialists can choose the size, number, and direction of lights just as we would do in real life. Softboxes, spotlights, and area lights are just a few tools we utilise to craft the perfect illumination, ensuring your product shines under the best lighting conditions.


Breathing life into your products, animation adds motion and excitement to the scene. Our skilled animators work within a 3D software like Cinema4D, setting keyframes to define object positions, rotations, and scales at different points in time. With precise animation techniques, we create seamless movements that showcase your product's unique features. The movement of the camera is equally crucial, as it adds a dynamic element to the CGI animation, ensuring a captivating viewing experience.You can truly unleash your imagination, creating any movement you want to showcase your products in the 3D world, without the limitations that usually come with a real-life shoot.


In certain cases, simulations are employed to create realistic effects like liquid, fire, or smoke. While not always necessary, simulations add an extra layer of visual complexity and believability to your product animation. We utilise specialised CGI animation software, such as RealFlow for fluid simulations and Kameleon FireEx for fire and gas effects, to achieve stunning and realistic results.


Rendering is the process of transforming the 3D project into standard video files. Rendering allows all the elements in the previous steps to come together. Our team possesses the knowledge and skill to optimise rendering settings, ensuring a photorealistic outcome. By utilising our computers that equipped with powerful graphic cards, we can achieve the highest quality results for your product video.

To discuss any CGI product video project, contact us today to embark on a journey of transformative product videography that will captivate your audience and elevate your brand.


How Lux Can Produce High-End Product Films at Competitive Price-Points