
Retinol 24 Night serum

As part of our ongoing efforts to take advantage of, and operate, the industry's most flexible and cutting-edge cine cameras and techniques; our team recently tested the latest innovation from leading manufacturer Blackmagic. Their latest camera system boosting up to 12K resolution at 60fps and 240fps at 4K will afford our clients a previously unimaginable level of flexibility for cropping and reframing cinema quality footage of their products, in post-production. Able to meet the wide variety of modern crop requirements from a single clip; this camera promises to enhance even further Lux’s ability to offer an all-in-one, cost-effective video production service fulfilling the ever-increasing range of deliverable requirements to all of its clients.

Choosing the highly-photogenic Olay Retinol 24 Night Serum made for the perfect test bed to put this camera through its paces. And we certainly felt the results worth sharing!

Production: Lux Studio London | Post Production: Lux Studio London