Y-Theorem Repair Serum

CGI Animation

Lux was thrilled to produce this gorgeous campaign for 111Skin’s Y-Theorem Repair Serum. With over 25 years of experience in working with and lighting products to the highest level; this project is a testament to our team’s ability to transfer this knowledge and skill into a CGI environment. Produced completely in-house by one of our CGI specialists, Guy Welch; the film beautifully captures the finish and intricate details of the serum. Guy also masterfully designed the lighting, camera moves and animation, creating dynamic sequences that perfectly highlight the product's transformative qualities.

Client: 111SKIN

a detailed CGI picture of one molecule from 111SKIN's serum
a well lit horizontal CGI photo of a bunch of 111SKIN serum lying down

CGI Animation Process

A screenshgot from the building process of the model of one droplet from the serum
a screenshot of the CGI process of some Y serum molecule
a screenshot of the CGI process of the moment the cap lowering down  above the bottle